WITH reference to the vicious diatribe (You Say, Wednesday, April 30) it seems there's no limits to Ahmed Raza's attempts to sully the name of this country and its native inhabitants.

I must agree with D E Margrett, of Worcester. If Mr Raza despises this country so much, why doesn't he leave and go back to his Islamic brothers elsewhere?

Does he, perhaps, lack the incentive to do so because he finds life here a little more comfortable than in an Islamic country perhaps? I think so!

Too many of the immigrant population - whether born here or not is irrelevant, merely a geographical accident - regard this country as "guests" regard an hotel. They use its facilities and comforts, but have no attachment to it whatsoever, and certainly no loyalty.

I would also point out to the bleeding heart liberals that people such as Mr Raza are the rule and not the exception.

Letters such as those written by Mr Raza cause great offence to the majority of people.

We've seen in the May elections what effect Mr Raza and his ilk have had on the mindset of the native majority.

I feel the tide is turning against people like him. I also feel that his position, and others who think like him, will become increasingly untenable and I welcome this.

People like Mr Raza have abused the tolerance of the native majority far too often and for far too long.


Colletts Green, Worcester.

I WRITE having read Ahmed Raza's letter (You Say, Wednesday, April 30). He regards Allied Forces as "Crusaders".

Come on Mr Raza, let's not go back in history, this is no holy war. This is a war on terrorism.

If you really feel so strongly about Allied Forces, I agree with D E Margrett that you should leave the land that feeds you.


Dines Green, Worcester.