LIKE many people, I have just paid my first instalment of the Council Tax, £83, which includes the 14 per cent increase.

My widow's pension has been increased by just over 1 per cent.

Does anybody else wonder what they are getting for an extra 14 per cent?

Personally, all I feel I ever got was the bin emptied once a week and I would be more than willing to make an alternative arrangement for that service.

I get the impression that councillors think the Council Tax-payers provide them with an unlimited source of income.

Once elected, I feel that our wants and wishes are ignored.

The latest ghastly scheme seems to involve demolishing lovely mat-ure houses and replacing them with a dozen or more featureless dwell-ings - twelve lots of rates instead of one!

Beware of killing the goose that lays the golden egg is only one expression that comes to mind.

G MORTIMER, Jubilee Close, Ledbury.