A FEW weeks ago on one of my all too infrequent visits to the town of my birth, I was horrified to learn of the proposals with regard to the Market House. This must not be allowed to happen!

In the item I read Mr David Turner stated that he could not attend poetry committee meetings. Surely the obvious solution was for the committee to find a more suitable venue. He also stated that disabled tourists wanted to view the upper chamber at the Market House. How many and how does he know, did he sit all summer quizzing those who appeared disabled?

I fear his statement is like that of politicians who say "the public want or don't want this" when they have no idea of the true story.

Don Rule is quoted as saying that if there was an appeal then councillors may be surcharged.

I am sure that Mr Rule chose, of his own free will, to become a councillor and with that job comes advantages and disadvantages and he should resign if he is not prepared to accept the rough with the smooth.

Mr Stainburn says that Ledbury could be the first council to deny the public access to a public building and that Ledbury must progress and move with the times (I paraphrase) but defacing a glorious building is not progress but an indefensibly retrograde step.

MR J FORDHAM, Kempston, Bedford.