Kath Rees has thanked box holders of the Children's Society for £76.85 they contributed through the boxes. The society too, sends its thanks for the cheque, which helps with its valuable work. If anyone would like to be a box holder contact Kath on (01531) 820401. It's a constructive way of using loose change.

Members of Oxenhall Parish Hall Trust will be having a quiz night at the Parish Hall tonight (Friday) and this will begin at 7pm. The cost is just £6 and this includes a ploughman's supper and wine. You are assured of some wonderful prizes on this night. If you require further details or need to book a table, Binny Brooks will help on (01531) 820998 or any member of the Parish Hall Trust.

Saturday, June 22, is the date to note for the strawberry teas. This is from 2pm-5.30pm in and around the hall. Cakes and other items to sell on the day would be greatly appreciated.

Another date to book for this delightful village is a parish lunch on Sunday, July 27. Later in the year there is to be an Apple Day in October. On Friday, November 14, a pot luck supper and beetle drive has been arranged. To round off the year a Christmas walk will take place on December 29.