THE service at St Mary's Church on Sunday will be 8am Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer Order. On Monday the St Mary's Church Choir will be holding its usual practice at 6.30pm and the choir mistress, Wendy Thompson, would be pleased to hear from anyone - children or adults - who would like to join. At 7.30pm the annual meeting of the Diocesan Church Fellowships will take place at St Mary's, beginning with an act of worship in which the choir will sing Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by J S Bach. On Tuesday, Longdon PCC meet at the Vicarage at 7.30pm.

Children at Longdon St Mary's School are planning to enter a national competition called Message for Dad, in celebration of Father's Day. They are invited to write a note, poem, e-mail or text message to their father or other male carer of their choice and to submit this by May 23. There will be an event at Westminster on June 9 when winners and their families will receive prizes - family tickets for major attractions. These events are being organised by Fathers Direct with support from the DfES.