ANOTHER very successful jumble sale for Janet (Charles) and her many helpers was held at Berrow Village Hall in aid of the Welcome/Cordery Clubs when £400 was raised, which will be divided equally and used to take members of each club on outings. Thank you once again to everyone who provided jumble, cakes, raffle prizes etc. Next jumble sale on May 31 at the hall.

On Saturday, May 17, from 10am to noon there will be a coffee morning at Whitings Farm, Berrow, by kind permission of Mr and Mrs R Fellows. Cakes, bring and buy, raffle, teas. Please can you bring any items along on morning of sale. Directions will be well signposted. All proceeds to Berrow/Pendock Church funds.

On Saturday, May 17, at 2pm there will be a giant jumble sale at Berrow Village Hall. Jumble, cakes, raffle, usual stalls. If you have anything to donate or can help on the day please contact Judy Dallimore on (01531) 650258. Proceeds to Pendock School.