PUPILS in Bromsgrove were taking packed lunches because of the small portions dished out by schools, the town's Trades Council claimed after receiving complaints from parents. Presently one in four youngsters were in receipt of free meals.

CAMPAIGNERS who had battled for months to get a more central location for the new general hospital to serve Bromsgrove and Redditch were jubilant after hearing they were to get probably their last chance to achieve their aim. Health minister Roland Moyle had unexpectedly agreed to a one-day conference in London to discuss the matter.

AND there was good news also for local anti-motorway campaigners, especially for those opposing the proposed M42. There were high expectations that it would never be built now that the government had announced it was to carry out a complete rethink of its new roads programme.

COUNTY firefighters had made it clear they favoured a return to work although the men in Bromsgrove were split over whether they ought to end the eight-week strike. The 13 full-time firemen stationed at Windsor Street had been manning the picket line round the clock since the dispute over pay had started.

NURSERYMAN David Poole, who had recently opened a garden centre in Littleheath Lane, Lickey End, clinched a job as a permanent panelist on the BBC TV quiz programme, Garden Game.