BROMSGROVE and Stoke Prior were thrown into a high state of excitement when inmates at Stoke Reformatory rebelled and escaped. The Messenger said: "If the emergency had not been met promptly and determinedly the outcome might have been serious, but the active measures which were taken to restore order were successful, and soon the rebellion fizzled out."

A NAIL maker from Sidemoor was held in custody, charged with stealing a box containing three dozen 2 pound tins of roast beef, which was the property of Messrs Jeffries Brothers grocers.

AN UNUSUAL bird was captured near Barnt Green after beaters for a shooting party heard it's strange cries. It proved to be a seagull.

The appearance of a gull so far inland could only be accounted for by the strong winds which had prevailed on one or two days recently.

BROMSGROVE ladies were advised that lace had become a feature of fashionable dress, both in white and in colour. Antique wool laces were among the favourites of the time. Woollen embroideries done in crewel stitch could make excellent trimmings for gowns and evening wear.

THE Bromsgrove Almanack and Directory was ready for sale, priced at 2d (1p) or if bound in a limp cloth, 25p. Readers were advised to buy it quickly as the last year's almanack had sold out in 11 days.

A FIVE shillings reward was offered for a gold bracelet lost on Kidderminster Road.

THE FOREST Hotel, Lickey End, was put up for auction. The bidding was keen but stopped at £430.