CONSIDERING the effort Stourport's Avis Field puts into her work as a volunteer worker at Kemp Hospice, it is small wonder she has any time left to enjoy the whole array of hobbies she has.

Mrs Field, who spent many years in midwifery and as a district nurse, is a Kemp volunteer and area co-ordinator for Stourport and Bewdley.

She said: "Kemp Hospice is one of the happiest places you will find in Kidderminster. It really is a joy and a privilege to work with the patients and other staff there.

"Everybody has always got a smile on their face and we all enjoy each other's company. Every day is different and I find my time as a nurse helps me care for the patients."

She added: "Once a nurse, always a nurse. There is nothing that needs to be done that I ever mind doing.

"Obviously I have to help with day-to-day basic things, but then there are more enjoyable activities such as flower arranging, making hanging baskets and playing card games and music."

Mrs Field is also a committee member of Stourport Floral Art Club, and is currently preparing to make the trip with fellow members to Gloucester Cathedral in August as part of a festival to mark the Queen Mother's 100th birthday.

She said: "The club and myself have taken part in festivals across the Midlands for some years now.

"We have visited Worcester and Brecon cathedrals and Tewkesbury Abbey. It would be nice to go to Hereford Cathedral one day."

The 69-year-old's community spirit does not end there though.

She is also a committee member of the over 55s club at Stourport Social Day Centre, where she organises a weekly flower arranging class.

She said: "That is my main role at the centre, but I do also help out with sugar craft classes and with coffee mornings held to raise money for the County Air Ambulance."

Mrs Field, of Bewdley Road North, also helps with collecting cash at Stourport Carnival and is on the Wilden Church Council.

She said: "I just love being around other people and being able to help them. With the hospice in particular, everybody seems to get this impression of doom and gloom but nothing could be further from the truth.

"It really is a pleasure to work at Kemp and I am also very passionate about the other hobbies I have."