100 years ago - March 29 1902

THE Avon Lodge Order of Oddfellows had their annual dinner on Wednesday night in Evesham Town Hall, when Col C W Long MP occupied the chair. Immediately after the dinner itself, a smoking concert was given and the sixpence admission charged went to swell the funds of the Evesham Cottage and Birmingham Eye Hospitals.

75 years ago

March 26 1927

ARTHUR William Lampitt, a labourer of Littleworth Street, Evesham, was summoned for keeping a dog without a license. He did not appear but sent a letter of apology to the Bench. PC Duffield said at 11.05am he visited defendant's house and saw a black and white terrier bitch. He asked Mrs Lampitt about the license and she said they had not taken one out. A fine of 7s 6d was imposed.

50 years ago

March 29 1952

THE Vale of Evesham's own individual effort to Save the Avon was carried a step further on Wednesday when five committees were constituted; under the presidency of the Mayor, Councillor J M Hodges, to arrange and sustain a full programme of events with one object in view - the provision of £4,000 for the repair of Chadbury lock. It has been pointed out that if Chadbury lock gates collapse, the Avon at Evesham will virtually disappear.

25 years ago

March 31 1977

DESPITE strong support from Evesham Town Council, Evesham Civic Society and the Heart of England Tourist Board, Wychavon had deferred decision on a £500,000 scheme to extend and modernise the Crown Hotel in Bridge Street, Evesham. At a special meeting of the planning committee, held in the town hall yesterday, members agreed that although some development was desirable, the proposed scheme dominated the river scene.