100 years ago - June 21 1902

ANNIE Pickering, of the Leys, Bengeworth, was summoned for using obscene language at Bengeworth on May 31. Defendant pleaded not guilty. PC Merritt said that at midnight on duty in Bengeworth, he heard a terrible row in the Leys. Defendant used bad language, a sample of which was handed to the bench. PC Dainty corroborated and defendant was fined 10s plus 9s 6d costs.

75 years ago

June 25 1927

THE second annual Buffalo Church Parade took place at Elmley Castle on Sunday. There were seven lodges from the Worcestershire district represented in the procession, which extended down most of the village street and consisted of over 200 Knights, Officers and brothers of the Order. A church service followed, at which all seats were occupied.

50 years ago

June 21 1952

BY this weekend the first and most difficult part of the campaign to Save the Avon will have been accomplished by the Royal Engineers from Long Marston. Their work at Chadbury Lock during the last four weeks, invaluable in terms of money, has lifted a very heavy burden of responsibility from Evesham and district. The level of the Avon has now been secured by a steel dam across the mouth of the lock. New gates will now be erected and lock walls will be refurbished.

25 years ago

June 23 1977

PATIENTS and visitors at Evesham's Briar Close Hospital are being invited to choose their favourite records ready for the first broadcast of the hospital's own record request programme. A double turntable has been installed in the hospital, 200 records have been collected and the first of what will become a weekly request show will shortly be going out over the hospital loudspeakers.