100 years ago

August 23 1902

THOMAS Loveridge, a labourer of no fixed abode, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Merstow Green on August 18. Defendant admitted the offence. PC Humphreys, said at 8.15pm, he was on duty on Merstow Green when he found defendant lying across the road and using bad language. He asked him to go away, but he refused and struck him in the chest. He was fined 10s, in default of seven days and was sent down.

75 years ago

August 20 1927

A HORSE belonging to Mr T J Glasbrook of Bengeworth and being driven by A Wiggins, took fright in the L M & S goods yard at Evesham on Saturday morning, and careered out of the yard and down High Street at a great pace. It had a clear course until confronted by a lorry belonging to Messrs R White & Sons of Evesham. This checked the animal's progress for a moment, and as the horse tried to swerve past, R Walker of Norton, dashed up and brought it to a standstill with great difficulty as the reins were entangled around its legs, thus averting a serious accident.

50 years ago

August 23 1952

AT Chadbury Lock, the party of 14 sappers carried on work as usual, removing masonry from the bottom of the lock. Preliminary supplies of steel and cement have arrived on the site. A pair of upstream gates is being made by the Docks and Inland Waterways Executive at Worcester. Very soon, when the necessary money for supplies is available, an all-out effort will begin to complete the restoration project.

25 years ago

August 25 1977

CEREAL growers throughout the Four Shires are facing 'absolute disaster' unless the weather improves in the next few days. Even then, the corn crop, expected earlier this year to be a 'bumper one' will be at least 20 per cent down in quantity and there will be very little good seed for next year's harvest. Also for the first time for many years, the corn crops, already flattened by heavy rain, have started to sprout before they are even ripened.