AT most clubs the temptation to keep the same side after a 66-22 win might be strong - not at Worcester!

The coaches have made six changes to the team which won so convincingly at Manchester but don't expect it to make any difference.

The Sixways squad is big but it has one thing running right through it -- talent. You look around on the training field and it gives you a good feeling because you know there are 30 plus players who can easily play first team rugby.

It is great for the coaches but sometimes it can be tough because they've got to keep everyone happy and when you aren't involved you maybe get a little frustrated. I think, though, that the coaches are balancing things up very well at the moment because most of the players have had some game time and yet it hasn't affected continuity one bit.

The philosophy at Worcester is that the team comes first and individual gripes must be put to one side. We are all striving for one thing and even if you are not named in the 22, you play an important part by being in the dressing room, encouraging the guys and helping the club move forward.

There is always a team behind a team and at Sixways that is definitely the case. The players and coaches couldn't do their jobs without people doing theirs such as the fitness coaches, the physio, the sales and marketing people, receptionists, secretaries etc. We all have our role and it is a case of pulling together for one goal.

Everyone in our squad is as important as the next guy, there can be no egos because we all believe in the team ethic. I think that was important in the minds of John Brain and Andy Keast when they brought players to the club. They didn't want big names who thought they were bigger than the club. I may have played for my country but I understand the mind-set you need to have to be in a winning team. It's not always about having the big names but more about a team spirit and ethic. We have that at Worcester and it is a good feeling to be a part of.

To me, the side to face Bedford looks great but, then again, the team was excellent against Manchester! I am delighted for Richard Bates in particular because he has worked so hard on his fitness since his shoulder operation. Richard made himself known at Manchester when he came on at the start of the second half. I'm certainly glad I'm on his side!

We were pleased overall with the display at Grove Park but we conceded four tries and really, that has to stop. We let ourselves get stretched but, give them credit, Manchester are a little underrated by many.

Some of the tries we scored against Manchester were outstanding and I think people are now beginning to see what we are capable of. David Officer's first try of the day was spectacular as we ran the ball the whole length of the pitch before our free-scoring centre finished it off.

David has settled in so well at Worcester and to score two hat-tricks from just four games is phenomenal. He takes a turn on the bench for Saturday as we square up to Bedford.

Ben Hinshelwood comes back in to face his former club and he is definitely one to watch out for. I would expect him to make a big impact back in the side at outside centre. Looking back at last season, he did very well against Bedford so I'm sure he'll be up for the game.

I'm expecting another bumper crowd at Sixways and atmosphere ala Exeter. We had over 3,000 in the ground for the Chiefs match and the atmosphere was outstanding. Come on you supporters let's get the place rocking!