MALVERN confirmed their impressive start to the season with another emphatic victory on Sunday.


The match followed a familiar pattern, with the home team getting on top in the physical battle before cutting loose with their superior pace and skill.

The opening exchanges were scrappy and marred by infringements, but yet again Malvern drew first blood because of their ability to attack from deep positions. Following a scrum in their own 22, Chris Prosser came off his wing to take the ball at pace in centre field and race uphill, outstripping Dursley's entire defence for a wonderful try, which Ross Tolley converted. Prosser then scampered up the opposite wing for a second score after good work from Tom Kennedy-Hughes, giving Adam Blackmore's team a 12-0 half-time advantage.

The slope proved decisive in the second period, Malvern's confidence with ball in hand proving much more effective than the visitors' kicking game. Within minutes of the restart Richie Richardson burst from a maul to quash any thoughts of a Dursley revival, with Ross Tolley ensuring maximum points again.

After this the scores came thick and fast. Tom Kennedy-Hughes streaked down the wing for a fine try after a good break by Adam Green. Dan Rushforth threaded his way through a crowd of players to continue his rich vein of form. And when Matt Tighe was unfairly impeded with the line at his mercy the referee awarded a penalty try, which Ross Tolley converted.

Perhaps the most telling moment came near the end, however. With the game already won, Dan Rushforth chased back in defence to deny the visitors a consolation try and ensure a clean sheet for the second week in succession.

It is such commitment and determination which makes this young Malvern side a pleasure to watch and a daunting prospect for any opposition.