THE Senior Team from the Malvern Angels WRFC played their first fixture as a side since the formation of the Angels in May of last year.

The fixture was against Hereford Greyhounds RFC, who are a Midlands Division Two team, and even though it was just a friendly game, the Angels put forward a challenging performance and proved not to be quite the complete walkover that one would expect.

The final score of 45-5 to the Greyhounds did not really reflect the hard work from both sides that went into the game, the constant drills and practice over the summer really came into effect and the biggest factor that caused Malvern to lose the game with such a margin was playing experience, which is not really surprising considering the Greyhounds have 10 years playing experience behind them.

However the game proved a very promising future as the Angels kept the pressure on right to the final whistle.

The chairman of the Malvern Angels, Barry Kirby, said: "It was just what the team needed, we have spent a long time building up a team to represent the senior side of the Angels, and now we are really getting there."

The Angels are only a few weeks to prepare themselves for their next fixture, their first at home, which is against another Midlands Two side Loughborough on Sunday, October 27.