THIS weekend it's Mothering Sunday and throughout the country families will enjoy spoiling Mum for the day.

In recent years there's been a growing popularity in celebrating this special Sunday with the giving of cards, flowers and chocolates and the treat of nice meal without Mum having to cook (or wash up!).

The day has part of its origins in festivals which gave thanks for Mother Church but nowadays we usually make it a much more personal way of thanking our own mothers for all the love and care that they've given to us.

It is significant that we have this special day only a few weeks before Good Friday when the Bible tells us of the tragedy of one mother, Mary, who had to stand and watch the agony of the crucifixion of her son.

Mothers don't stop loving nor do they stop worrying even when their children are grown and adult. This Mothering Sunday please remember those mothers (and fathers) whose hearts ache for their children especially those whose sons and daughters are caught up in the war in Iraq.