I am writing to express my concern over irresponsible teenage children and the use of scooters.

I have had to call the police out on occasions. A few weeks ago they raced up and down the Guarlford Road in the dark on a bike with no exhaust or lights.

On Sunday, when I heard some coming past the house again, for about the fifth time that day, I rushed out of my gate to see who it was, only to be confronted by a moped, eight feet from me going flat out up the footpath.

Unfortunately the inevitable happened and I was run over.

Had it been my three-year-old daughter, or the frail old lady who lives two doors from me, I fear the story would have been a very different one indeed.

These youths have absolutely no regard for anybody other than themselves and their own self-gratification. They are obviously too immature to understand the potential consequences of their actions and as such need to be dealt with before somebody gets killed or seriously injured.

Surely this sort of behaviour comes under the Government's new anti-social behaviour policy and not, like the police said on Sunday, a road traffic offence?

I have a very bad limp this morning to go with my sprained wrist, to prove that it is not a game these children play.

A stop had better be put to this before we have a funeral on our hands after a "tragic accident that could easily have been avoided".

Sean Sims, Bluebell Close, Malvern.