MOTORISTS are being warned to be vigilant after a wave of car crime hit Worcester.

Sixty-six cars were broken into across Worcester during the first three weeks of the year - and 25 per cent were in the city centre.

Many could have been avoided if belongings had not been left on display and motorists had been looking out for each other, say police.

"Vehicle crime is one of the offences we take most seriously. It can be very distressing and is a great inconvenience.," said Detective Inspector Kevin Purcell.

"We are actively seeking car criminals using our dedicated car crime team to catch those responsible.

"There were more than 35 arrests for vehicle offences in the first three weeks of the year."

Cars parked in dark places away from public areas and with belongings left on display were most at risk, said Det Insp Purcell.

In a bid to crack car crime the city council is improving lighting and security in a number of car parks in a bid to win Secure Car Park status from the police.

The council took over the task of enforcing parking regulations on Monday and will base 12 traffic wardens in a ground floor office at St Martin's Gate car park.

"Car criminals carefully select which vehicles they wish to target by trying door handles, checking through the windows to see if there is any cash or phone on display and generally hanging around near parked cars," said Det Insp Purcell.

"Anyone who you see looking at cars could be looking for potential targets, and you can help your community to stop car crime by contacting us.

"This kind of action is one of the key elements in reducing car crime."

Anyone who spots any suspicious activity is urged to call police on 08457 444888, or to contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.