I WRITE in reply to Max Harper's grossly inaccurate letter (Advertiser, January 29) condemning local Pagans for showing their respects to victims of intolerance at the Holocaust remembrance service.

I would like to point out we feel privileged to have assisted in such an event and that we did not and do not at any time object to the word "God" being used.

The minutes of the meetings are held at Redditch Town Hall and will bear this out.

With regards to the service using Christianity as an example, with its many different ideologies - this being a multifaith service - I thought it was put together with a lot of thought and respect.

The event was held in an effort to teach people to learn from the mistakes of history or be doomed to have history be repeated.

To repeat intolerance, in this case implying Pagans are without God, is such a point. Pagans are very spiritual people; it is atheists who are without God.

I hope this has cleared up this distraction to an otherwise very constructive event.

Brightest Blessings and may the Goddess protect

Andrew Marshall

Regional Co-ordinator

Pagan Federation