ALTHOUGH I am a political opponent of Councillor Gavin Smithers, I read his rant (Advertiser, January 29) with interest and would like to wish him every success with his new business venture, Coconut Island.

This is a valuable facility for young children.

Unfortunately, some of his clients appear to be shaping his political opinions of late.

I note with interest he aims to involve community groups like Surestart.

This is a wonderful scheme, funded from central Government.

It is interesting, however, that local Conservative MPs voted against the tough decisions taken by Gordon Brown, budget after budget, that have delivered our current economic strength and ultimately the funds to pay for schemes such as this.

I, along with other Redditch Labour councillors, have worked very hard to bring this scheme to the town and many young families in Lodge Park, Lakeside and elsewhere in the borough are feeling the benefit.

It is nice to see that even Mr Smithers recognises the value of this Labour Party initiative.

Councillor Mark Shurmer

Lodge Park Ward

Dowlers Hill Crescent
