A good turn out of players, vice presidents and friends attended the AGM of Avoncroft Cricket Club in January. They heard very positive reports of the 2002 season from captains Paul Athey and Martin Cound and from Pete Whitehead. The Saturday First XI had performed particularly well, only just missing out on promotion. Dave "Crockett" James had a particularly outstanding season with both bat and ball.

Chairman Rod Braithwaite thanked Martin Cound for his several excellent years' service as Sunday captain after he announced his retirement from the position.

Sally Athey, the treasurer, reported a satisfactory balance sheet but stressed that the club needed more fundraising activities if it is to maintain its expenditure of recent seasons. A number of members offered their services and ideas in this respect.

Tributes were paid to the youth coaches under the leadership of Paul Athey for another splendid year, with five teams playing regularly and four players attending county trials.

The following officers and committee were appointed: Chair - Rod Braithwaite; Treasurer - Sally Athey; Secretary - Len Keen; Assistant Secretary - Ian Athey; Fixtures - John Sutcliffe; Bar - C Townsend; Saturday First XI Captain - Paul Athey (Vice - Rich Sinclair); Saturday Second XI - Guy Weston (Vice - Rob Holden); Sunday XI - Jon Bird (Vice - Matt Hare); Committee - Andy Pittam, Bob Irish, Les Workman, Steve George, Andy Lucas, Ian Sach, Alan Murray, Paul Rodway, Mark Whitehead.

The prize giving presentation (and skittles) will be at Bromsgrove Labour Club on Friday, February 28.

Nets began at Bromsgrove School on Sunday. New members are welcome including youngsters and under 11's.

Phone Paul Athey on 01527 559247 or Len Keen on 01905 772713 for further details.