"DON'T shoot the messenger", the saying goes, but many messengers are shot at because the message itself is unpopular.

America's finding that out, and Peter Nielsen (You Say, Saturday, January 25) joins terrorism's other apologists to turn truth inside-out by calling America the villain.

If he really wants to know what drives the terrorists, he should listen to them instead of indulging his anti-American prejudice.

Bin Laden said the US was a target "to set an example to other nations". As for the so-called Palestinian connection, Yasser Arafat has denounced bin Laden's right to justify terrorism that way.

Mr Nielsen's attempts to blame all terrorism on the US sound like a child doing wrong and saying "look what you made me do".

No. The responsibility for terrorism lies with terrorists, and to suggest we should shrink from confronting it for fear of attack is cowardice.

It's also dangerous fantasy in that it assumes we can protect ourselves by standing aside. We can't.

Julian Thake,

Mortlake Avenue,
