DEAR EDITOR - I am not in the habit of writing to newspapers, but a recent letter regarding the servicing of gas appliances at our home has incensed me.

It is headed "Final Warning - Application for Legal Action". It goes on to say that Bromsgrove District Council is legally required to carry out an annual inspection of gas appliances in their properties. In our case, the service was carried out in April by the council's previous contractors and again in December, following two failed attempts by Accord to turn up after appointments were made.

My complaint is that surely the council should have records without the need for us to provide proof, as requested in the letter. Proof was provided after the April service.

In my opinion it again shows up the council's incompetence. The letter, as worded, would worry someone of a greater age, as the apology consists of one sentence at the bottom of the letter.

I personally spoke to the person named in the letter and requested a proper written apology, as I was not in the habit of receiving threatening letters. This apology has not been forthcoming.

Disgruntled Tenant,


(Name and address witheld)