DEAR EDITOR - I feel compelled to write to you over a situation that has just happened to me.

I am a 36-year-old mum and was brought up to be courteous, polite and to respect the older generation. So you can imagine that when I got on my local bus one morning recently (I always walk home from town, but decided that with a heavy load of shopping to use public transport - which I haven't used in 20 years).

As I patiently waited to board, I got my money ready and proceeded to pay, as to which all the old age pensioners with bus passes, pushed past and one sent me flying without any word of apology!

Now when I used the buses years ago everyone waited their turn to board. I hear all about kids today not having any consideration for others, but I was appalled by the behaviour of the OAPs on this route. I'm not saying all OAPs are the same, they most certainly are not, but to have people barking on about the generation of today and that they have no manners, perhaps they should take a look at their own behaviour first to see what they themselves have spawned!

Sidemoor Bus User,


(Name and address witheld).