A STALWART Redditch councillor is calling it a day after the May elections because he is unhappy councillors no longer have the power to make decisions.

Though he admits age and health have played a part, Ken Somner says the new committee system imposed last year has left "back-bench" councillors unable to make a difference.

Mr Somner, 83, has been a strong voice in the Labour group for 14 years but since the creation of the powerful eight-member cabinet, he has felt disillusioned.

"The new system is a step back from democracy and too much power is vested in the hands of too few people," said the former mayor.

"People want local government under them and not over them - they want it to empower them and not control them."

Mr Somner has always been a staunch supporter of "empowering" people and feels his work as chairman of the successful Redditch Co-operative Homes is a fine example.

It allows tenants to take control in designing their own homes and running their own estates and has become a template for other co-operatives throughout the country.

Mr Somner is also proud wheelie bins were introduced under his stewardship as chairman of the old public health and environmental services committee, now a thing of the past.

But Mr Somner, who also used to be chairman of Age Concern, believes Redditch has a bright future and is proud of his town.

Though retirement looms, the former chief production engineer for a shipbuilding company will continue to play his part in Redditch Co-operative Homes.