THESE old pictures come from the collection of Donald Tomlin and were taken at the Radar Research and Development Establishment at Pale Manor, now North Site.

The picture of Santa in his sleigh was taken in 1946 or 1947 and features (from left) H E Andrews of the drawing office, Mr Norwood, head of engineering (front end of reindeer), Don Sills (rear end) and Bill Samples as Father Christmas.

The second picture is from 1951 and here the identity of Santa is not known, but standing behind him are Rob Smith, head of engineering, and Jack Cosh, head of the carpentry shop.

"Jack Cosh used to let us use the offcuts to make all sorts of things," recalled Mr Tomlin.

"We never used to buy in toys, we made everything ourselves."

The parties were not only for children of the staff; those from local children's homes were invited as well.