Barnards Green was alive with festive fun last Saturday when traders staged their annual Christmas Extravaganza.

Attractions included children's entertainer and stiltwalker Mr Doo, rides in a fire engine and, of course, Father Christmas. Malvern's mayor Frances Victory was also in attendance.

Music was provided by a variety of performers, including Malvern Festival Chorus, McClean Hand Bell Ringers, Malvern Junior Choir, Malvern Male Voice Choir and the Inner Wheel.

A tombola proved to be another popular attraction which, together with donations from the musicians, raised £200 for the British Heart Foundation.

Also successful was the children's window competition. Young competitors had to examine 18 shop windows throughout Barnards Green and identify the out-of-place object in each one. The winner of £24 in Smacks vouchers was Ross Harness, of Bredon Grove.

Chris Hunt, of Barnards Green Traders' Association, said: "It was pretty successful. We had quite a lot of people in the Green and the weather was not too bad.

"This is the third year we've done it and we're going to look at ringing the changes for next year, because people get bored if you do exactly the same thing year after year."