IT was a great moment for members of Staunton & District Women's Branch of the Royal British Legion when they were awarded the Tomkin cup for increased membership at the Royal British Legion county conference.

At the branch annual general meeting there were two changes with the retirement of Mrs Betty Awford, vice-chairman, she is succeeded by Mrs Gill Ivin and regretfully the standard bearer has also resigned. The chairman Mrs Pat Taylor and the secretary Mrs Winnie Brunsdon both continue. The sale for this year's Poppy Fund raised £200. Thanks to the regular supporters. At the January meeting Christine Counsell will present her one woman panto. The monthly meeting to which visitors are always welcome is held in Johnstone Close Lounge, it was decided that the meetings in the months June, July and August will continue to be held in the evenings.

The highlight of the term for Staunton & Corse Guides was the pumpkin party, which was held to raise money for UNICEF as part of a national event for Guides. Great fun was had by the Guides preparing games and side shows and with pumpkin food and pumpkin games the Guides raid £73. Rehearsals are now taking place for a pantomime in the New Year.

It was a very cold night in keeping with the theme of Staunton PCC's Christmas fundraising event - A Touch of Lapland - but a warm welcome awaited the 60 guests who attended with a glass of mulled wine. The barn at Gadfield Elm House was colourfully decorated with seasonal table decorations and candlelight. A four course meal cooked by members of the PCC and friends was greatly enjoyed and was followed by a very entertaining quiz. Stan Cotton, on behalf of the PCC and guests thanked Canon and Mrs Evans for their welcome, the ladies for the splendid food and everyone for their support. As always at Christmas carols were sung to end a lovely evening. A raffle was run and the table decorations auctioned and all proceeds will benefit Staunton church.

The next evening everyone braved another very cold night to attend the carols by candlelight service in Staunton parish church with about 200 people, there was standing room only and Scouts, Cubs, Brownies and Guides were amongst the congregation. The crib depicting the Holy scene stood out. The church was decorated with seasonal foliage and flowers, the holly berries glistening in the candlelit church and the large Christmas tree was lit with fairy lights. Canon John Evans conducted the service with the Reverend Penny Hamer, curate and as the first carol was sung the Scouts lit the tapers, which everyone had been given on arrival and the service was held in candlelight. The service, as for many years past, was arranged by Prim Goldring of the PCC and a large number of readers with Scouts, Cubs, Brownies and Guides read the lessons and poetry between the lovely carols.