THE good news that the application for alterations and extensions to Corse and Staunton Village Hall had been passed was welcomed by the committee when they met for the annual general meeting.

In his report to the meeting, the chairman, Nigel Gisby, spoke of the future regeneration of the hall. He hoped they would get the support of the parishioners and there would be fundraising to be done.

The booking secretary, Rena Harley, gave her report which showed the good use of the hall by local organisations including the short mat bowls club, Corse and Staunton playgroup, the youth club, Staunton and Corse amateur theatrical society, the sequence dance club, line dancing, plant sale, Staunton and District WI, Rena and Phyllis' dances and private functions etc. Mrs Harley was thanked for her report and for the successful running of the 100 Club.

The treasurer, Pat Lewis, gave a very satisfactory financial report and she too was thanked for all the work she put in particularly over the last several years.

The chairman was re-elected and the committee en bloc. The chairman welcomed several members of local organisations, which included the playgroup, Scouts and youth club and answered questions put by the representatives and Mr David Bubb commended the youth club on its success and said it was excellent for the community