CHRISTMAS at Callow End begins with a concert of music, song and words at the village hall on Monday at 7.30pm.

The Junior Church Christmas presentation last Sunday at St James' gave a modern slant to the Christmas story. Narrated by Lynn Nichol with musical accompaniments on keyboard by Thomas Nichol and on violin by Louisa Sandy, all the children took part. Joseph was played by Joseph Lippett, Mary by Hayley Brassington, Angel Gabriel by Catherine Nichol, Herod by Jos-ann Billington and donkey by May-lin Billington. The three kings were Catherine Nichol, Nicola Sandy and Hannah Whittal-Williams, the shepherds Glenn Colton, Christopher Shuard and May-lin Billington and various inn keepers by Lindsey Brassington, Sally Green, Rosie Colton, Katie Nicholls and Kate Bruton. The words of a new carol were written by Julia Sandy, music by Thomas Nichol and sung by Catherine Green.