VALE residents are being warned to avoid fines, court cases and angry neighbours by taking proper planning advice before building extensions and conservatories.

The message comes from Wychavon District Council, which wants people to plan ahead and consult with planning experts to avoid action being taken should building begin without the proper authority.

Head of planning Jack Hegarty said: "People may think conservatories do not need planning permission but often they do.

"It is worth checking whether the design fits in with planning and building regulations before it is too late."

If a conservatory does not comply with the regulations, the council can serve an enforcement notice to force the owner to take the building down. If the owner refuses, it could lead to an expensive court case and hefty fines.

Neighbours are also upset by obtrusive extensions, particularly in housing estates of medium and high density.

Councillor Martin Jennings, a member of the council's development control and licensing committee, said people should consider the impact on neighbours in terms of privacy, reduction of green areas and values.

"It would be sensible to discuss the plans with neighbours at an early stage. This would avoid ill-feeling and natural grievances."

He added that some conservatories in the district has been well designed and enhanced owners' houses with no adverse impacts on neighbours, but others had created problems and ruined the built environment.

"It is rather senseless to risk local aggravation when people need to live near to each other in some harmony," he said.

Wychavon's planning department can be contacted on 01386 565565.