MOTORSPORT: Arley schoolboy Ross Danby beat almost the entire adult entry in the Dudley and District Club trial at The Old Mine, Kinlet, on Sunday.

Bewdley Motor Cycling Club's budding superstar dropped 44 marks, just four more than top adult expert Alan Nicklin.

Caunsall's Les Powderhill took third best expert with 105 marks lost.

Over the easier intermediate sections, Kidderminster's Kevin Taylor just lost out, dropping 31 to Neil Wilson's 29.

Blakedown's Gareth Boswell was defeated in the clubman class by just one mark to Quarry Bank rider Melvin Whitelaw.

Scott Cartwright, of Kidderminster, took second in the schoolboy class.

The next local trial is the Bewdley Club's Boxing Day event at Coney Green, near Stourport, from 10am.