THE Rugby Football Union have announced what the Evening News told you exclusively last Thursday - that they will be holding an independent inquiry into the Premier Rugby scandal.

Worcester Rugby Club chairman Cecil Duckworth last week handed in information to rugby's governing body over alleged agreements between the 12 Zurich Premiership clubs to pay off Rotherham for them to miss out on promotion last season.

And the RFU last night confirmed that an inquiry into the 'pay deal' will go ahead.

"After considering very carefully the representations made to me this morning by representatives of Premier Rugby, upon which their recent statement is based, I have concluded that, in the light of the various allegations made over the past week, the correct process is for me to appoint a totally independent inquiry into this matter," said RFU disciplinary officer Robert Horner.

"From the statements made to me by Premier Rugby I would expect them to co-operate fully with the inquiry as it must be in their interests to establish the validity of their position. I would also ask anyone who feels that they can make useful contribution to this enquiry to contact us.

"I stress that this is entirely my decision and one which, as disciplinary officer, I have reached independently."