As Chairman of Wyre Piddle Parish Council, I must correct the errors in Sue Taylor's note of last week.

A considerable majority of the village is in favour of closure of the Eastern bridge, that is with access for emergency vehicles and public transport; the stance taken by our Council too.The Council has voted by a majority to achieve this decision. We have 7 Councillors not 6 as inferred in Sue's note.

My feelings are not personal, I have for 20 plus years now ( and will always) looked after the whole Village and particularly those vulnerable buildings in the conservation area in the centre. I would respectfully suggest that Sue is taking the personal view to look after Wyre Hill, where the houses stand well back off the road.

We cannot all be winners. Come on Villagers, our bypass opens tomorrow, let's enjoy our new ' life '. To do this we must stop the ' rat run ' which would continue if we allow those regular users, from outside the Vale, to come in from the A46 onto the new A44 and to dash through the Village to Pershore and beyond.

Remember too, traffic flows will increase in future years !

Gary Robinson, Chairman, Wyre Piddle Parish Council, Wyre Piddle.