I COULDN'T help noticing when I read the Evening News on Wednesday, November 13 how many articles were about drug addicts.

There were six items about people being caught with, stealing for, selling, or using drugs. However, not one of these people received a custodial sentence.

Once chap was caught stealing minutes after being given bail for other drug-related offences.

Those responsible from the largest percentage of crime reported in the paper received a slap on the wrist.

Surely it doesn't take an Albert Einstein to realise that if these people were taken out of the crime loop, crime would go down.

So, Mr Foster, when your party starts getting tough on crime, perhaps you could pass the message on to the trendy magistrates and do-gooders.

Some say the prisons are full, so give fewer custodial sentences. I say build more prisons.

M SWIERS, Worcester.