A DOUBLE bill gave members of Staunton & District Over 60's Club a very enjoyable meeting with a curio and keepsake exhibition followed by Gary's Musical Movements. £200 was raised with the club's recent sale towards funding their Christmas party in December, which takes the form of a lunch. A demonstration of flower arranging by two well known local flower arrangers Pat Lewis and Gwen Pugh resulted in three beautiful arrangements which were sold afterwards to offset part of the cost of flowers.

Next Monday, November 25 will be a mince pies and coffee morning and next month several members will be invited once again to the Barn Nursery to see the nativity scene. Still looking ahead Nanette Bevan, club leader, invites anyone who would like to join the club in the New Year to go along to the first meeting of 2003 on January 6 in the lounge at Johnstone Close where they will be made most welcome. Membership is just £3 for the year.

Don't forget the six charities sale tomorrow (Saturday) at Corse & Staunton Village Hall annexe from 2-4pm. There will be Christmas decorations, gifts, handicrafts, cards and bric-a-brac and a raffle.

It is with regret I write of the death of Mrs Val Carter after a long illness and our sympathy is extended to her husband at this sad time.