WHAT a tremendous effort for our auction of goods and promises last Friday. We certainly did show the county what a small village can achieve. Our thanks to Jill and Julie (our hosts at The Farmers Arms) and to our brilliant auctioneer Brian Woodcock and his very able clerk. A big thank you to everyone who pledged items and goodies, bidding was very keen with all lots being sold. At the end of the evening we had realised the staggering total of £957. Truly amazing. An evening enjoyed by everyone.

To end our fundraising for this year Roger's hair cut sponsorship for that new look for Christmas will finish this weekend, so far to date (Anne his wife) has collected £230 in pledges. Lets see if we can up it just a little more to end a good fundraising year. Please ring (01684) 833287 or (01684) 833223 if you would like your name included on the list. Roger's debut with the hairdresser will remain a closely guarded secret but definitely before Christmas.

In the light of the necessary building work needed to restore Hollybush Church to its full glory Birtsmorton PCC are hoping to hold a fundraising event in the early part of 2003 to help contribute towards the appeal fund (many of you will have seen the article in last week's Ledbury Reporter), this is a dear little church visited by many passers-by and tourists. It is only with the help of the benefice and community that the PCC can achieve their £25,000 goal.