1801: William Shaw, fisherman of Upper Arley, was convicted before one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, in the penalty of Five Pounds, for fishing in the River Severn with unlawful nets.

J. Tymbs, Printer of the Worcester Journal, requires a Compositor who can occasionally work at the press. A good workman will have constant employment.

W. Savage, Grocer and Tea Dealer of St Mary's Steps, Edgar Street, Worcester, begs leave to return thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal encouragement he has already received and to inform them that he has laid in a considerable assortment of fine flavoured teas from the East Indies and a stock of every article of grocery from the best markets, all available on the most reasonable terms

1901: The relative merits and costs of gas and electric street lighting sparked a debate in this week's meeting of Worcester City Council. One member pointed out that the city's 57 electric street lights were each costing £24.17s.6d a year to run in tariffs, compared to the nine gas incandescent lamps in Friar Street and Sidbury which were each costing only £4.18s.6d a year. The Deputy Mayor, Alderman Millington thought the difference in gas and electricity charges to be "excessive and unacceptable."

The Worcester Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reports that during the last three months, eight local people were brought before the courts for cruelty, four horses and two donkeys had to be destroyed as totally unfit for work, and 25 persons had to be cautioned as to their treatment of animals under their care.

1951: Because of the "desperate shortage" of nursing staff at Powick Mental Hospital, the House Committee is to approach the Danish and Norwegian embassies regarding the possibility of obtaining suitable women from their countries for employment as nurses.

Following the Board of Trade announcement of increased utility ceiling prices for footwear, we would like to point out that we have very heavy stocks of holiday and autumn shoes, the prices of which will not be increased and which are available at the old prices from Elt's of Worcester and Malvern.

The 30th anniversary of the formation of the British Legion was celebrated at Malvern by members of the Women's Section. Twenty-two Standards of branches throughout Worcestershire were carried in the parade. More than 300 members took part and the procession was led by the Malvern Imperial Silver Band.