THE way local authorities deal with flooding needs to be improved, according to a new report from Malvern Hills District Council.

At the council's overview and scrutiny committee meeting on Tuesday, a policy development and review panel considered a report by Coun Mike Biddle, written in response to the 2000/2001 floods in the area.

The seven-strong panel has investigated issues surrounding flooding since July of this year and 14 recommendations were tabled at the meeting.

These included producing leaflets on what to do and who to call in flood emergencies, the continued provision of sandbags to areas likely to flood, up-to-the-minute information on which roads are open or closed, and the regular maintenance of gullies and roadside grips to prevent roads getting waterlogged.

Other recommendations included the consideration of a minor grant scheme for householders to provide their own flood defences and clarification of who is responsible for what when flooding occurs.

Members welcomed the proposals, but Coun Mary Wilkinson said it had been a long time coming.

"People who live in flood areas have been saying these things for years. It takes a big flood for anyone to act," she said.

Coun David Williams recommended the council's executive board publish a leaflet containing vital flood-related contact numbers.

"It may be worth putting on the website, if nothing else," he said.