PUPILS at Upton CE Primary School are being asked to give their ideas on how the next stage of a £10,000 outdoor environment project should take shape.

A large seating area and gateway have recently been completed in a corner of the school playground and a wood chip path leading to a wildlife area with flowers and habitats for mini-beasts are about to be built.

Headteacher Mark Mumby was this week asking youngsters at the school how they would like to see areas in the rest of the school playground developed. Possibilities include sheltered seating and play facilities.

The project is being funded by the Friends of Upton Primary School, which has organised car boot sales, fashion shows and a wide variety of other activities to raise the cash.

"It has been a big project, and the Friends have worked extremely hard," said Mr Mumby.

"We want to express huge thanks to them for all the money they have raised," he added.

The new environment will help the school in its bid for a Healthy Schools Award, aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles among children, for which it is likely to be assessed later this term.