AN Evesham victim of child abuse threatened to kill police when they tried to break up a quarrel with his boyfriend, magistrates at Worcester were told.

David Canning, aged 38, of Worcester Road, Evesham, pleaded guilty to affray, public order offences, criminal damage to a police car and cell and two counts of threats to kill.

He was ordered to serve a 30-month rehabilitation order and to pay a total of £300 in compensation and costs.

Peter Parson, prosecuting, said Canning told police officers he would "sort them out" and made stabbing motions towards them when they were called to his home on October 13.

He was so aggressive with officers that they called for backup from police wearing protective vests.

"Canning went into the kitchen and re-appeared brandishing two kitchen knives," Mr Parson said. "He threw the knives, one of which embedded itself in a sofa."

Mr Parson said Canning attacked officers outside a fast food restaurant in Worcester on September 25. "It was extremely difficult to restrain him and he then had to be forcibly removed from the police van at the station," he said.

Mark Sheward, for Canning, said he suffered from psychological problems after being abused as a child, something made worse by his drinking.

He added: "He does not trust authority because he was abused while in the care of the authorities."