MR Margrett (You Say, October 21) is right when he said that the European Union did not initiate the idea of Regional Government.

However, they are now hurrying along the process so that eventually, under their plan, the nation state will more-or-less disappear to be replaced by a Europe of Regions.

To say that this country has been taken over by the Americans is, of course, rubbish (although to see the way Tony Blair jumps when Bush calls the shots makes one wonder!).

We have good relations with the USA just as we will have good relations with the EU when we withdraw - in fact proably better relations than we have now!

Actually the plan for the EU is to have a centralised superstate which is a stage further than the federal system that they have in the USA, where the individual states still have the power to set certain taxes.

The important thing is that we retain our independence; and that we are able to trade with whichever country we want, and have the ability to formulate our own foreign policy.


U K Independence Party,
