OFFICE workers were outraged when they arrived to find two mobile phone masts being installed just two feet away from their window.

People at Charles Henry House, in Worcester Road, Droitwich, said they knew nothing about the masts until they arrived at work on Tuesday, October 22.

Refusing to work feet away from the masts, they are now looking for new premises.

"We are furious that these masts have been erected without us knowing anything about it," said tenant, Jean Alexander from nursing agency, CARE@Worcestershire.

"I think quite a few people will be looking for new premises - we will be.

"Phone masts are a contentious issue at the moment. It's no wonder why George Harrison didn't tell us - he knew how angry people would be about it."

Mr Harrison, a director of the Droitwich Property Company, which owns the site, said he didn't believe he had broken any agreement with the tenants and said he believed the masts were not dangerous.

"I am advised that there is no proven danger as to the emission of radio signals from these masts and therefore didn't consider it necessary to advise tenants of the erection of the masts.

"I have also since taken a representative around to the tenants so he could talk to them to allay any fears they may have."

A spokeswoman for Wychavon District Council explained the masts do not require planning permission as they are under 15m high and are being attached to an existing building.

The masts were erected on the side of the building, which houses around eight firms. They will be used for new mobile phones which can send pictures.