ENTHUSIASTIC youngsters have stepped forward to stage a Christmas pantomime at a Worcester community centre.

Organisers are now pleading with parents and city businesses to back the production of Scrooge.

Costumes, lighting and props are all needed for the pantomime, at Tolladine Community Centre.

"We wanted to try something different," said Allan Poyner, community worker at Tolladine Community Centre.

"I can't ever remember a pantomime being put on at a community centre, so it will be fun for all of us.

"We want to get children and people in the community involved, which we are doing quite well at the moment."

Community centre volunteer and pantomime organiser Karen Payne, said 25 children, aged from seven upwards, had already signed up to the event.

"There are some children who like dance and they are already making their own dance routines," said Miss Payne.

"Last week was the first week that we all got together, so hopefully we will start running through things this week.

"We could really do with some help with materials, lighting, props and the fancy dress costumes.

A tombola and refreshments will be available on the night and there will be a raffle with a turkey as the star prize.

"The kids are so excited they are already deciding what they want to do for next year," added Miss Payne.

The performance will be a unique version of Scrooge, featuring dance scenes and mime designed to allow shy youngsters the chance to take part.

For tickets and more information about the event, on Saturday, December 21, contact the community centre on 01905 20922.