TAKING a rare break from his various jaunts around the world's more dangerous areas, John Simpson faced a packed Cheltenham Town Hall last Thursday night.

Taking the opportunity to air his views on various subjects, from the war in Iraq to a disturbing lack of fe-male admirers, the veteran BBC correspondent proved an entertaining speaker.

He spent the first 20 minutes or so of the hour-long talk recounting anecdotes from his travels, including a threat of liquidation (death) from Iraqi minister Tariq Aziz, and being recognised in the most obscure places thanks to his show on BBC World.

He opened up questions from the floor, which provoked a mixture of educated answers and rants against the various things in life which displease him.

These included, in no particular order, TV chat show host and Fox News war correspondent Geraldo, George W Bush's low IQ, the BBC ("I'm too old to sack") and the government of Botswana.

The talk was an entertaining hour of humour and serious politics by a man clearly at home talking to the world, whether in a flak jacket through a camera or on a stage. Good stuff.

Phill Tromans