CHILDMINDERS, nursery workers and playgroup organisers learnt how to think green when they made jewellery from junk at a Malvern workshop.

Five workshops were held at The Chase High School, Malvern, to encourage groups working with young children to learn about environmentally-friendly entertainment for youngsters.

Adults had the chance to model with clay and make new paper from old in order to appreciate the environment and to learn about and create art.

The event called Green Ideas for Play, was organised by Worcestershire County Council's Early Years & Childcare Service earlier this month.

Green Ideas for Play is part of a regular series of training workshops aimed at raising the quality of play for children.

"The day was hailed as a great success by all those who attended," said Anne Williams, Early Years marketing officer.

"We asked participants for their thoughts at the end of the workshops and their responses were very positive.

"They said it was very good fun, a brilliant day, full of good ideas and that they thoroughly enjoyed the workshops."