IN recent weeks there has been a spate of letters from readers on the subject of whether we should join the euro.

Most of these writers have expressed concern that they don't know enough about the pros and cons of joining.

The reason they are so undecided is because our inept Prime Minister has never debated the issue with his public - nor with his members of government.

All we have ever heard is his repeated statement that "it is imperative that we join the euro" without ever giving one reason as to why.

This, despite him knowing that the most countries in the euro zone have, for many months, been expressing their doubts about their decision to join.

Denmark alone had the sense to have a referendum with their people who gave the idea a tumbs-down.

They are now laughing, as we are, at the poor unfortunates who, now in, can't get out. Ireland is a prime example whereby its Prime Minister has publicly declared - on two occasions - his deep regret in joining the euro. Too late!

