IT'S NEVER too late to start a new life, according to 80-year-old Henry Ennifer, of Hampton, Evesham.

A few weeks ago he founded the Evesham Dolls House and Miniaturists Club and is keenly looking for new members.

Mr Ennifer's interest was promoted just last year by a great-grandchild's desire for a doll's house.

He then built one for his wife and now he's advanced to all the intricacies of a thatched cottage which he is building from scratch, as well as the miniature furniture to go inside.

Mr Ennifer said: "The first one I made was in plastic from a kit and I was never too happy with it. When my wife said she had never had a doll's house when she was a child, I decided to make her a wooden one."

Now the thatched cottage he has embarked on is to his own design inspired by the couple's tea cosy. He said: "I had been looking at it on the breakfast table for nearly three years and thought 'that would make a lovely doll's house'.

One of the more comical aspects of his hobby saw him walking down Pershore High Street wrestling with 14 brooms in his arms. Henry said: "May spotted them in a hardware shop and suggested the bristles were just right to use for my thatched roof, so I bought them all."

Mr Ennifer used his computer skills to contact doll's house clubs all over the country and Scotland for help setting up his new club. And to attract members he dropped off some leaflets in a shop in Evesham and eight members instantly signed up.

The busy pensioner said: "Our membership stands at seven women and two men, but we would be delighted to have more.

"We have only had one monthly meeting at my house so far, but it was very enjoyable."

Henry and May, who have been married before but bereaved, met through the Evesham and District Pensioners' Association.

Henry said: "In 1994 my wife developed Alzheimer's and I spent four years as her carer. In 1998 she died in hospital a day short of her 70th birthday.

"After a busy time I was suddenly alone and lost. To help fill in the hours and return to normal life one thing I did was join the pensioners' association.

"I met another member, May, who had also lost a loved one and had the feeling of loneliness.

"We struck up a friendship, arranged to have a day out at Gloucester Docks and enjoyed ourselves." After many more days out the couple decided that they could spend the future together.

Henry said: "We went on holiday to Spain and on the 12th day we visited Gibraltar and called into a jewellers shop. I stood at the door and told May I wasn't letting her out until she had chosen a ring. On the return to our hotel we became engaged."

The pair were married at All Saints Church in Evesham. Mr Ennifer said: "I thank God for the goodness in life, the fresh start, and the enjoyable life and for letting me be madly in love at the ago of 80." For further details about the new club, contact Mr Ennifer on 01386 424045, or e-mail on