THREE Vale of Evesham Schools are to pick up grants from the West Midlands Office of Awards for All announced this week.

At Simon de Montfort Middle School in Evesham, the £5,000 grant is to go towards a project to establish a gymnastic club for the benefit of local schools. The money will pay for gymnastic equipment and training.

Head of boy's PE Daniel Rowling said: "The aim is to increase the standard of gymnastics in the local area and also increase the links between our school and first schools."

He added: "I would encourage any parents who want to come along and help to get in touch with the school. We have a little bit of money in the budget to enable them to go on courses."

St Barnabas CE First Middle School, Drakes Broughton, is to get £3,500 for a project to purchase sports equipment and provide training opportunities to establish three new after school sports clubs for the benefit of pupils and a wider community. The grant will pay for coaching fees, coach education and equipment.

Girls at Bredon Hill Middle School, Ashton-under-Hill, will benefit from a £1,550 grant towards buying sports equipment and providing football training for girls. Coaching, equipment and first aid kit will be bought with the money.

Evesham Youth Netball is to get £4,360 towards a project to extend the group's services by training additional coaches and providing additional netball equipment. The grant will pay for coaching training for volunteers, netball equipment, transport. Professional fees, additional venue hire, as well as additional affiliation fees and insurance.

The 7th Pershore Scout Group has been awarded £4,897 for a project to improve the camping facilities of the group. The grant will pay for camping equipment, training materials and transport.

Evesham Forest School Partnership has been given £5,000 towards a project to raise awareness of the environment and outdoor activities with the young people of the locally-based community. Fencing materials, labour, tools and waterproof clothing for children will be provided with the money.