ARC: (Arthritis Research Campaign) - Pershore branch has received a sizeable donation from Mrs Joan Barber from Pinvin. Mrs Barber ran a very successful 'Cowboy Real and Barn Dance' evening at the Coach and Horses at Pinvin.

Many thanks to Mrs Barber who raised £250 for ARC and also made a donation to another charity.

PERSHORE AND DISTRICT ARTS THEATRE CLUB: Held it's first meeting of the new season when Mrs June Firkins gave an illustrated talk on Life in a Victorian Family.

Club members enjoyed three outings during the summer to Gloucester Cathedral and Nature in Art, Bromwich Hall Gardens and Chavenge. Visits have been arranged for the autumn to 'Single Spies' at Malvern and to 'The King and I' at the Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham. It is also planned to go to 'Peter Pan' at Birmingham Repertory Theatre in January.

The next evening meeting will be tomorrow at 7.30pm in St Agatha's Hall, when Cora Weaver presents 'Elgar in Worcester'. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Contact Ann Buckley on 01386 860014.

THE ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION: (Pershore branch) - The inaugural meeting took place on Wednesday, September 4, at The White Horse Hotel, Pershore.

The association attracted more than 20 new members, they intend to meet once a month for comradeship and to give support to naval people and their families, anyone wishing further information about the association contact Ted Annis on 01386 552889.

ARC (ARTHRITIS RESEARCH CAMPAIGN): Pershore Branch will be holding their AGM on October 30 at 7pm at The Almonry, Pershore. Members, friends, helpers and anyone who could give ARC any help during next year will be welcome at the AGM.

THE ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: and The National Council For The Conservation of Plants and Gardens Ron Sidwell Lecture will be held at Pershore College, on Tuesday, at 7.30pm. Chris Bailes, curator of the RHS Garden in Devon, will be giving a talk on Plants and Gardens in New Zealand. Tickets are available from the RHGS Centre at Pershore College and will be £5 for RHS members and £6.50 for non-members, who will all be most welcome. For information ring 01386 554609.

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, WOMAN'S SECTION: The AGM was held recently at St Wulstans Hall, Pershore. The meeting was opened by the chairman.

The president of the branch, E Price, read her report of the previous year, she congratulated members for their efforts generally and their fund-raising.

The results of the voting were announced. President Edna Price; chairman Wendy Grifiths; vice chairman Ray Green; secretary Doreen Dale; treasurer Laura Joyce; standard bearer Ivy Reid; committee J Ball, J Buller, M Cosnett, S Elphick, S Grantham, V Miles and B Peart.

The chairman thanked the scrutineers, T Dewerson and R Groom.

Mrs B Duckett from the county committee addressed the meeting.

FILM AT NUMBER 8: Pershore and District Film Society, Saturday, October 19, 7.30pm, 'The Son's Room' (Italian with subtitles), 1hr 40 mins. Winner Palme d'Or Cannes 2001.

NUMBER 8 GALLERY: 'A Century of Watercolours' an exhibition of watercolours by Anne Prater, currently showing until October 19.

CHILDREN'S AUTUMN ART PROGRAMME: 'Totems and Tokens' Art and Craft Workshop, Wednesday, October 30, 5-7 year olds 1pm - 2.30pm £4; 7-12 year olds 2.45pm - 4.45pm £5.

Another 'Red Feather Day'! - Drama and Music Workshop, Friday, November 1, 7-11 year olds 10am - 12.30pm £4.50; 5-7 year olds 1.30pm - 3.30pm £3.50.

CHRISTMAS CAPERS: Christmas Inspired Workshops, Saturday, November 30, Saturday, December 7 and Saturday, December 14.

5-7 year olds 9.30am - 11am £4 for one Saturday, £7.50 for two Saturdays or £10.50 for three Saturdays.

7-12 year olds 11.15am - 1pm £5 for one Saturday, £9.50 for two Saturdays or £13.50 for three Saturdays.

FLOWER AND CRAFT SHOW: The AGM will be held in St Agatha's Hall, Pershore on Friday, October 25, at 7.30pm, followed by complimentary wine and cheese. Ideas for the future will be discussed and all 'new faces' are most welcome. A new secretary will be required after October 2003 if anyone is interested in this position please come along. For information please telephone 01386 710203 or 01386 554235.

TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD: On a sunny October morning members of the Townswomen's Guild and a visitor were welcomed by the chairman. She thanked the committee for all their hard work and all members for their generosity, which helped to ensure that the recent Fashion Show was a resounding success, resulting in over £673 being raised towards this year's charity. By way of thanks to Mrs J Daniels of 'Blue', £50 was donated to the No 8 appeal.

Mrs C Guest was introduced as a new member of the committee.

Members were reminded about the Christmas Boxes Appeal, for which a sub-committee has been formed and they will collect and store the boxes. The November meeting will be the last chance to hand them in. Mrs Lockhart said that the Mother of Mrs M James had kindly given woolly hats and mittens which she had knitted, to be put in individual boxes and that this was greatly appreciated.

It has been decided to hold a coffee morning on Wednesday, November 6, in Wychavon Civic Centre from 10am - 12pm. Entry will be £2 and there will be a bring and buy and cake stall, a nearly new stall and a raffle.

The secretary of Pershore Flower Show had written regarding their AGM on October 25, and asking if anyone was interested in joining their committee, they were invited to attend.

Mrs Meller reported on the September Federation Meeting when it was decided that a planning meeting will be held on October 29, to discuss next year's Craft Exhibition. The Federation Carol Service will be on December 7, in Malvern Priory at 2pm and a coach will be organised for those wishing to attend.

Members enjoyed seeing a splendid display of quilts presented by Mrs Chester. Mrs Dallimore gave the vote of thanks.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 5, at 10am in Wulstan Hall when Mrs Patti White will give a demonstration on cracker making.